Traffic Problem

 The Impact of Unrespect Traffic User with Bycycle User

The impact of lacking tolerance by road users (cars and motorcycles) to the bicycle users can make the traffic situation uncomfortable, because the accident will be expected to increase. Cyclists are supposed to have the rights to use the road as motorcyclists or car users. In fact, cyclists are often being ignored by other road users.
 1. Problem
a. Bicycle has no track
b. Car And motor cycle are bigger and faster
c. Risk for unsafer ride
d. Unrespect treatment from another rider

 2. Impact

a. Many people used motorcycles and cars on the road would add congestion. Besides that, the highway spaces are very limited
b.  Road user who cannot tolerate with cyclist try to dominate the street. 
c. Having a vehicle makes someone have a higher position in society. In some cases, the arrogance of motorcycles or cars users in the road is increase. 
d. The increasing number of vehicle users will increase the crash, because road users that can’t tolerate with bicycle users tend to be endangering themselves and others. 

3. Problem Solving

a. Make space waiting in traffic light

The first solution is to make a space for cyclists on the road especially at the traffic lights. By providing a dedicated space for cyclists, it will facilitate and provide a sense of comfort for them.
b. Make a bicycle sign in the street edge
The second solution is to make writing, sign, billboard or draw of bicycle for road users such as motorists, motorcycle, and truck so they can tolerate the cyclists. 

c. Make space for cyclists ride
The government can intervene to help the cyclist to make a special road cyclists. It is not only can be made in big cities such as Yogyakarta, but can be realized across the street in all of cities around Indonesia.
d. Use a safety helmet for cyclists
To reduce the number of accidents and ensure the safety of road users, especially cyclists, they have to be encouraged to use helmet.


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